The purpose of this code of conduct is:
behaviors that:
acts of:
illegal acts, such as:
School administrators and counselors may have a responsibility to advise other parties of serious breaches of the code of conduct. For example:
Regular attendance at school is critical for the student’s learning and achievement of course expectations. To encourage regular attendance by students, our school will ensure that students and their parents are informed about the school’s policy on attendance through the school’s course calendar. Where, in the principal’s judgement, a student’s frequent absences from school are jeopardizing his or her successful completion of a course, school staff will meet with the student and the parents to explain the potential consequences of the absences, including failure to gain credits, and discuss steps that could be taken to improve attendance. All Late and Absence Time will be completed by the student in order to maintain the integrity of 110 hours for each course of study for credit purposes.
Regular attendance in any learning environment is of paramount importance to school success. Courses content and learning activities have been designed to be 110 hours for all full credit courses or 55 hours for all half credit courses. Log in and log out times will be recorded through the online platform. Completion of activities found on the platform will be checked by the instructor. Students who do not participate in their online course regularly will diminish their learning experience.
The following processes have been put into place to encourage regular attendance by the student:
Note: The principal is committed to inform start and end date of the course (Mid/Final terms, and withdrawal).
The teachers provide the online course based on school’s course outline and Ontario curriculum for 110 hours. They track student’s activities through regular and ongoing communications. The teachers design varied assessment strategies and evidence is gathered by the teachers. They need to provide ongoing descriptive feedback online and online evidence of peer and self-assessment.
We will officially begin the semester on September 15, 2020. Please review the course outline as it highlights important aspects of the course such as units of study and marking breakdown. Please also consider the following course policies in order to succeed in the course.
Our teachers do their best to respond to your inquiries in a timely manner. However, there is a 48-hour buffer for teachers to respond to a student inquiry. This is especially the case for the weekends and holiday.
The school reserves the right to monitor all learning materials in user accounts on the file server in order to determine the appropriateness of computer/internet use when a challenge has arisen. The following processes have been put into place: